Insurance Depot – All you need to know

insurance depot ltd review
image source: insurancedepotltd

For many years, Insurance Depot Ltd has been assisting Canadians in the development of healthy financial strategies. Their advisors are kept up to date on tax, insurance, financial, and estate planning issues on a regular basis.

They have been representing most of the main insurance companies in North America for many years, and they offer;

  • Life Insurance,
  • Disability Insurance,
  • Critical Illness Insurance,
  • RRSP,
  • RESP, and other related products.

They are dedicated to assisting you in identifying the best options and introducing you to cutting-edge insurance and financial plans.

They offer a specialized team of professionals who can work with you to get the finest insurance and financial products and costs.

Learn all about Insurance depot ltd and their review in this article.

Why choose insurance depot ltd.

With many years in the financial services business, they know what you need to achieve  your financial goals

Quality Service – Staff that is efficient, knowledgeable, and pleasant, always willing to assist. They use cutting-edge technologies to help their advisers provide better service to their clients.

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Knowledgeable Advisors – Their advisors are carefully selected, trained, and monitored to ensure that they maintain the greatest level of professionalism. They are regularly updating their knowledge in order to better assist you.

Accountable Advice – Their mission is to provide their clients with the greatest solutions and goods. Their main concern is customer happiness. And your interests are prioritized over everyone else’s.


Insurance Depot Ltd. follows the highest ethical standards in the conduct of its company, as well as all applicable laws and regulations. When it comes to their customers, Insurance Depot Ltd. will always act with integrity.

This Code of Ethical Market Conduct sets forth the standards to which they expect their distribution partners and producers to follow in their dealings with clients and in their representation of Insurance Depot Ltd.

What services does Insurance depot provide?

Insurance depot offers a variety of Insurance services all tailored to suit  your immediate and future insurance needs:

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These services include

  • Life insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Critical illness insurance
  • Travel insurance
  • Super Visa Insurance
  • Insurance Products
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Segregated Funds
  • Annuities
  • LIFS (Life Income Funds)
  • RIFS (Registered Retirement Income Fund)
  • RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan)
  • RESP

Insurance depot life insurance policy

They offer whole life, term and universal insurance

Insurance depot Travel Insurance.

Travel insurance is an important element of preparing for your trip. If you get sick or have an accident while on vacation, travel insurance may be the only way to avoid financial ruin.

How would you or your family be affected, and how much would medical care cost if you or your family were wounded or were ill while traveling outside of your home province or outside of Canada and did not have travel insurance to cover the costs?

How much would it cost you if you had to cancel or return home early? Travel Insurance for traveling Canadians will protect you against these and other unexpected costs.

International Student Insurance could mean the difference between having the best or worst time of your life.

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If you are stranded away from home due to an unexpected accident or illness, you do not want to be without International Student Travel Insurance.

Whether you are a full-time Canadian student studying out-of-province or abroad, or an international student studying in Canada, it is a good idea to make sure you have the financial protection that International Student Travel insurance provides against unexpected medical bills.

Student Travel Insurance offers:

  • Up to $1 million for emergency medical and non-medical coverage for covered risks.
  • Available to Canadian students studying abroad or out of province and International students studying within Canada.

Traveling Canadians can choose from the following options offered by the insurance depot.

  • Single-Trip Travel Insurance Plans: 
  • Quick Trip Travel Insurance Plan (Manulife)
  • Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Plans: 
  • All-Inclusive Travel Insurance Plans:
  • Travel Accident Insurance.
  • Travel Canada Insurance Plans: 
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption Plan: 

Super Visa Insurance

There are various requirements for this Super Visa program, including demonstrating that the applicant has obtained valid Canadian medical insurance coverage for at least one year (Super Visa Medical Insurance).


RSA Travel Insurance, Manulife Financial, RBC Insurance, SRMRM, Travel Underwriters, TIC Insurance, and Travel Guard, among others, offer Super Visa Insurance, also known as Super Visa Medical Insurance, Super Visa Health Insurance, or Visitors to Canada Insurance.

All providers allow you to get quotes and purchase Super Visa Insurance directly from their website, which you can do quickly and affordably.

Their Comparison Calculator makes it simple to compare rates and coverages from different carriers side by side.

Before you purchase insurance Insurance depot’s super Visa program, note the following: 

  • The policy must have a minimum duration of one year.
  • Refunds will be provided if you are unable to obtain a Visa for Entry to Canada (so long as the reason is beyond  your control(
  • If you leave Canada before one year is up, you can get a refund on the unused balance (so long as there are no pending claims and the balance owing is more than $25).
  • Deductibles can be used to save on the total premium. The discounts vary by carrier but are generally in the range of 5 – 20%.
  • If you decide to stay for more than one year, then you will need to purchase a new policy 8 days before the expiry of the old policy..

Insurance depot Critical Illness insurance

Features of insurance Depot Critical Illnesses Insurance.

Critical illness insurance allows you to keep your financial footing while receiving the best possible treatment.

To be eligible for payment, you must last at least 30 days.

All premiums are repaid to the beneficiary if the insured passes away (standard feature for most critical illness insurance plans).


This critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum of tax-free cash 30 days after you have been diagnosed with a covered illness (eg. heart attack, stroke, cancer). This policy applies regardless of your capacity to continue working. Most individuals today survive serious illnesses thanks to modern care, but the financial expenses can be enormous.

Insurance Depot Critical Insurance is; 

  • Available to people between the ages of 18 and 65.
  • Available as a stand alone policy or as an additional feature within another life insurance policy.

What options does a critical insurance company provide?

Benefits ranging from from $25,000 up to $2,000,000

Coverage can be for 10 years, to age 65, to age 75, or to age 100 (permanent coverage).

Return of premium:

Premiums will be returned to you if you do not claim after 10 years or by age 75.

Waiver of premium:

This protects you from losing your insurance policy. If you are injured in an accident and become handicapped, you may not be able to pay your insurance premiums.

If you choose the Waiver of Premium option, the insurance provider will waive all of your premiums after 6 months of disability, ensuring that you do not lose your policy.

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They will also return any premiums you have paid in the previous six months.

There are two types of critical insurance: basic and comprehensive.

Heart attacks, strokes, and cancer are all covered under basic insurance.

Heart attacks, strokes, and cancer, as well as up to 18 additional disorders, are covered by comprehensive plans.

Does insurance depot provide annuities?

Annuities are one of the basic services provided by insurance depot. Insurance Depot provides a breakdown of what you need to know about annuities, despite the fact that many individuals have difficulty understanding what they are.

Single-payment or flexible-payment annuities are available, as are fixed and variable annuities, as well as deferred and immediate annuities.

Annuities are financial contracts with an insurance company that are supposed to provide a source of retirement income, regardless of the form.


An annuity can be purchased in two ways:

To buy a single-premium annuity, make a single lump-sum payment. You will have to buy another annuity if you want to contribute additional money at a later time.


Contribute to a flexible-payment annuity on a regular basis. You can make contributions at any time, at regular or irregular intervals.


There are two basic types of annuities you can buy-fixed and variable.

Fixed Annuities

Fixed annuities pay a set rate of interest for a set period of time, such as one, three, or five years. When the guarantee period ends, a new interest rate is established for the following period.

They are comparable to bank-issued Certificates of Deposit (CDs) because both interest and principal are guaranteed.

An annuity, unlike a CD, is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); instead, its security is dependent on the financial health of the insurance company issuing the annuity.

Variable Annuities

Variable annuities usually come with a variety of investing and funding alternatives. Stocks, bonds, and money market instruments are some of the funding choices available.

Variable annuities can have a positive or negative return. Your investment principal and return are not guaranteed. They are contingent on the success of the underlying investment options.


If your annuity’s funding alternatives perform well, they may outperform the inflation rate or fixed annuity returns. If they don’t, you could lose not only your previous earnings but also some of your initial investment.

Contact information

Privacy Officer:Shannon Kohlman

North America Insurance Depot Ltd

2682 Islington Avenue

Etobicoke, ON M9V 2X5

Telephone: (416) 745-0111

Facsimile : (416) 745-0211

Email: visit here  


Insurance Depot is a company that provides a variety of insurance services. They have a big goal with their skilled insurance agents and staff to supply the best insurance solutions to everyone they come across.

Aside from providing insurance alternatives, Insurance Depot Ltd educates its consumers about the various forms of insurance available and what each one covers.

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This is not something you will find with other insurance companies whose sole goal is to earn money off of you. Insurance Depot assists you in comprehending every detail of the coverage you wish to acquire.



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