Is Teeth Whitening Covered By Insurance?| Cost of Teeth Whitening


Human teeth are prone to stains and discoloration either due to food and drink intake or ageing. However, the cost of teeth whitening is high. Thus, lots of people seek out insurance-covered teeth whitening operations.

Often, the search for an insurance policy to help cover the cost of teeth whitening is futile. This is because the process is for cosmetic purposes.

Furthermore, the cost of Kits and sets over the counter is usually high, hence, people resort to their insurance companies and agencies in search of coverage.

As a result of the foregoing, this “is teeth whitening covered by insurance” copy details what teeth whitening means, why you should consider teeth whitening, the types, causes, and the advantages and disadvantages. The piece also clarifies whether teeth whitening operation is insurance-covered or not.  

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is the application of whitening or abrasive products to render the teeth more white. Teeth whitening is not a medical treatment – does not lead to healthier teeth.

However, this can cause a lighter smile. It can in turn make individuals feel good about themselves. Teeth whitening is best effective for some kinds of stains over others.

Roughly 50% of the US citizens with private insurance receive dental treatment, which usually does not cover all types of cosmetological treatments, including tooth whitening procedures.

In this “Is teeth whitening covered by insurance piece”, we will be seeing the reasons why people go through the process of teeth whitening.

Why Teeth Whitening?

Professional in-office teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dental treatments. As we age, our teeth are stained and they seem yellowed for numerous reasons.

Mostly as a result of the habitual taking of tea, coffee, red wine, and other drinks, as well as smoking, can color the outer enamel of our teeth. Some teeth are more penetrable than others and can be easily stained.

In some cases, the teeth surface enamel begins to gradually wear, disclosing the following layer of dentin, which may make teeth yellow and colored.

Teeth whitening is the most effective way to reverse some indications of ating and tooth stains.

Furthermore, this ” Is teeth whitening covered by insurance” details the types of teeth whitening there is.

Types of Teeth Whitening

There are two types of teeth whitening.

  • Bleaching
  • Whitening tootpaste

#1. Bleaching

Teeth bleaching improves the color of the teeth’ surface enamel and eliminates superficial and deeper spots in the teeth.

Your dentist can whiten your teeth in his/her office. Also, you can do it alone with a recommended kit set, or with a set, you purchased in the store.

Although, Chemicals used for teeth whitening is usually carbamide peroxide. However, several products employ diverse concentrations of this chemical substance.

#2. Whitening Toothpaste

Teeth whitening toothpaste uses harsh equipment (abrasive), which “scratches” surface points and Polish teeth.

We’ll also be reviewing the causes of teeth discoloration in this “Is teeth whitening covered by insurance” copy.

Causes Of Teeth Discoloration?

The teeth become darker or yellowed for several reasons. Stains and spots can emanate from outward or inward origins in the tooth itself.

The outer stains or spots are seen on the outer layer of the teeth. Smoking, taking red wine or grape juice, coffee, tea, and dark cola are popular factors of external stain.

Although the professional cleaning of dentists or dental hygienists can generally eliminate external stains.

However, the teeth have preserved the stains for a long time that they become completely integrated into the enamel.

Dental trauma can cause teeth discoloration over time. Some antibiotics can also cause teeth darkening from the inside.

The Cause of the spots and whether they come from outside or inward sources, help discern what type of bleaching products can work better and if you should anticipate a good result.

Common Types Of Teeth Whiteners

There are two forms of tooth whitening products. Commercial products that can be purchased at local pharmacies and grocery stores, and office kits that only dentists can offer.

However, there are more alternatives Within those two forms.

  • Over-the-counter whitening products
  • Dentist-provided whitening products

#1. Over-the-counter whitening products

There are many products for bleaching benches, from a dental paste to rinses, strips, to paint gel. Some use trays or lines to keep the product. A little brush or painting.

#2. Dentist-provided whitening products

Some bleaching products compel users to get instructions and surveillance from a certified dentist. These products usually contain higher concentrations of whitening chemicals than those used without a medical recipe.

Teeth Whitening products that need dentist’s instructions typically come in two varieties.

  • At-home whitening systems: Your dentist supplies you a personalized tray and various tubes or containers as the whitening products, typically gels or pastes.
  • In-office whitening treatments: This type of treatment is carried out in the Dentist’s office. They cover the teeth with a whitening substance that stays on the teeth for a certain period. Some procedures employ the activation lamp to speed up the process. These treatments yield instant whitening, and when you walk out of the office, your teeth whitening treatment is completed.

Whitening products are only effective on natural tooth enamel. If you have fixed porcelain crowns and fillings, whitening will not alter the color.

Speak to your dentist before using any whitening product to make sure you have the teeth that will get results.

The cost of Teeth whitening is also featured in this “Is teeth whitening covered insurance” piece?

What Is The Cost Of Teeth Whitening By A Dentist?

In-office Whitening is usually expensive. Even over-the-counter products can sum up to in-office treatment when considering the number of kits that you would purchase to get similar results.

The average pay for one part of In-office treatment is around 287 USD. Hence, Both parts cost 574 USD to acquire both the upper and bottom arc.

In the case of take-home trays and Gels or Pastes, the average federal payment is about 250 USD for an Arc or $500 for both Arcs.

Although the in-office bleach can cost more, the results are usually instant. The take-home techniques can be slightly cheaper but generally takes longer to guarantee the same results.

Therefore, When relating the cost of a dentist whitening treatment process with over-the-counter products, you have to take note that to get the same results, you may need to purchase numerous sets and continue treatment for several months.

For instance, if the set costs about 25 USD, you may want to buy 20 to have white teeth, this is the same results as the professional treatment by the dentist bought once.

Is Teeth Whitening Covered By Insurance?

As a general rule, insurance companies believe that teeth whitening is an ornamental procedure. Which implies the sole reason for the treatment is to enhance the impression.

Cosmetic processes do not deal with or thwart any kind of disease or dental condition.

Having teeth whitening is a fantastic way to increase your value, make a positive impression in places and enhance your appearance.

There are several safe and efficient products available that don’t need a dentist’s prescription. You can find many alternatives that suit your lifestyle and your economic style.

Although most insurance schemes do not provide teeth whitening policies, dental insurance covers regular examinations and dental cleaning that can help you prevent needing whitening teeth.

In addition to the visit to the dentist, daily brushing, flossing, eating a balanced diet, can help maintain a healthy and impeccable tooth.

Does Insurance Cover Porcelain Dental Veneers?

Porcelain dental veneers are a different kind of popular cosmetic dentistry alternative, especially convenient for those who have situations that tooth bleach can not cope with.

Porcelain dental veneers are thin layers of tooth-shaped porcelain materials attached to the natural teeth. As such, a porcelain dental veneer covers existing teeth, protruding the image of a perfect tooth externally.

Porcelain dental veneers may include internally discolored teeth, spots, shredded teeth, cracks, space between teeth, and other teeth problems.

Porcelain dental veneers sell between 925 and $ 2,500 for veneer, which implies that tens of thousands of space per vendor on the mouth together with a veneer can be spent.

However, porcelain dental veneers are purely cosmetic procedures and are not covered by AETNA dental insurance or other insurance.

Next to look into in this “Is insurance covered by insurance” guide are the disadvantages and the advantages of teeth whitening.

What are the side effects of teeth whitening?

You have your teeth whitening – at home, or in your dentist’s office, it has a few disadvantages. Before starting all the whitening procedures, these two common side effects should be taken into consideration.

#1. Sensitivity

Brief teeth sensitivity is traditional with all types of whitening. Both in-office and over-counter products yield a certain sensitivity within a few days from the beginning of the treatments. However, it is usually subsidized in a few days after stopping treatment.

Moreover, some dentists make certain types of toothpaste or gel to help fight sensitivity. Others can use a tooth desensitizing agent before commencing treatment. This is likely to help.

Nevertheless, be rest assured that the sensitivity would probably disappear immediately after the whitening procedures.

#2. Gum irritation

Some teeth bleaching products use peroxide gels that may irritate gums.

Sometimes trays, especially types of trays that are not recommended by the dentist, can cause interim pain.

If your personalized tray irritated your gums, the dentist can help you adapt it to a better suit.

As for the sensitivity, all gel irritation or tray irritation are generally solved when the procedure ends.

A common factor of successful side effects of teeth whitening is excessive use of products. Do not carry trays or use tapes, a dough, or gel longer than recommended.

Always follow the instructions on the dentist label or instructions when using these products. Excessive use of teeth whiteners can harm enamel and gums.

Purposes Of Teeth Whitening

Every day, individuals purchase teeth whiten kits from a dentist or buy whitening products from a local pharmacy.

Shiny and white teeth seem natural because it simply improves the teeth with replace theming with artificial camouflage, such as veneers or crowns.

Teeth whitening is not invasive, no perforation of any teeth structure is required, and does not generally require an anesthetic.

In contrast to Crown and veneer, the whitening of your natural teeth provides a modest refinement of your appearance. Your teeth retain the same shape and size.

Is it Worth It To Get Your Teeth Professionally Whitened?

Professional teeth whitening is safe, effective, and performed under the supervision of a dentist. In most circumstances, the extra cost of going to the dentist is worth it in order to receive long-lasting, safe results.

How Much Does It Cost To Get Your Teeth Whiter?

Professional tooth whitening treatments can range from $300 to $1,000. The ultimate cost of your treatment will be determined by the kind of whitening gel used as well as any advanced tools used during treatment.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Because there are so many whitening methods, average tooth whitening results can last anywhere from six months to three years. However, in most situations, consumers see improvements that last around a year.

Is Whitening Your Teeth Permanent?

Tooth whitening is not a long-term solution. The duration of your results will vary depending on your specific instance, but teeth whitening can normally last anywhere from a few months to three years.


Your smile is an instantaneous visual influence on the people you come across. Ask everyone who would like to change their smile and possibilities that many can say brighter and whiter teeth are high.

Although many people want whiter teeth, teeth whitening costs are disturbing. This is a critical problem because teeth whitening procedures generally are not covered by insurance.

Moreover, this is a result of the claim that these teeth treatments only increase the appearance of teeth and do not treat dental ailments or help enhance dental health.

Frequently Asked Questions

One disadvantage of Teeth whitning is?

Gum irritation

What is the average cost of teeth whitening?

  • Between $20-$25 for over-the-counter products
  • An average of $500 for take-home kits
  • An beverage of $600 for in-office treatment

Is teeth whitening covered by my insurance?

No, cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening are not covered by insurance.

What causes teeth discolouration?

  • Food stains
  • Red wine
  • Ageing; Etc



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