How To Buy A Renovation Property In 2023 – Best Tips


Moving across the world today, you can see that people rather purchase renovation properties than wait years to start from scratch. Property Renovation consumes less time to build and of course lesser but with more upgraded materials.

However, you must have a very good understanding and knowledge of what you’re venturing into especially when it comes to buying and selling properties.

Therefore, In this article, we will show you the best way to buy a renovation property, how to plan a renovation project, and even the list of renovation real estate agents in 2023.

What Is A Renovation Property?

Reading on and not having the full understanding of the main word doesn’t give the right answer to your quest. Renovation properties are buildings changed from a damaged or less befitting state to a better state.

The property might have been the best at the time it was first built but as technology advances, it starts to fade out and no one wants to rent or buy such property. Examples of properties that can be renovated are:

  • Housing properties
  • Public accommodations like hotels
  • Eateries, restaurants, canteens
  • Churches and many more.

Where Can I Get The Renovation Property For Sale?

Renovation properties can be purchased anywhere and anytime depending on what you want.

Below is a list of places to purchase renovation properties;

  • SDL Property Auctions.
  • Croatia Property Sales
  • Kythera Properties
  • Country Life Properties

#1. SDL Property Auctions

It was founded in the year 1989 by Danny Savant with the singular aim of providing people with good properties.

SDL property auctions are the best auction firm in the United Kingdom, they sell all kinds of properties either personal or corporate properties. Auctions are held every day of the year and a lot of properties are sold including renovated ones. It is available on the website at any time of the day, shoppers can click on desired properties and purchase.

#2. Croatia Property Sales

Croatia handles sales of villas, islands, renovation properties, potential houses, and many more. It is one of the best real estate agencies in the world. Lots of real estate agents partner with them to gain sales and invest in more properties.

The greatest advantage of Croatia above other agencies is that any property purchased from Croatia is well insured and maintained there in Croatia. If at all you have any renovated property to sell, they help with an advertisement on their platform, and in no time, the sale is made.

#3. Kythera Properties

Kythera is an island in Greece with a very amazing natural setting. On this island, there are lots of eye-loving properties that you might want to purchase, renovation properties with permits, castles, villas, detached houses, and many more.

Buying a renovated property there is of great benefit to individual or company if starting a business on that island because the island is a center of attraction and course, as people gather around to embrace nature on the island, they will also love to purchase whatever you sell or service you offer because it’s on the island.

#4. Country Life Properties

It is located in Gauteng with other sales areas across the country. They venture into sales of housing properties with very affordable costs on properties. It was established in the year 2001. Whatever plan you are making to secure better housing including renovated properties, reach out to Country life properties and you will love what you see.

Building/Property Renovation Project Plan

Starting a property renovation project requires a lot of reasoning, research, costing, and planning. You can’t jump the fundamentals and move to the last step, it must be done accordingly and almost perfectly to the taste of buyers or renters.

A lot of things are put into consideration, What is the budget? In how many weeks or months should the project be accomplished? Are the materials needed for the building available? These questions are to be answered before starting a project.

Below is a perfect guide on building a standard renovation project plan.

  • Goal setting.
  • Broad research on project site.
  • Partnership with Experts
  • Check out the availability of quality materials to be used.
  • Budgeting 
  • Scheduling.
  • Plan for the unexpected and make alternatives.

#1. Goal setting

If there is no goal, then there is no point in planning, goal setting is like an action plan to meet the desired goal. You have a property that you wish to remodel from a bungalow to a story building, that is the goal you want to meet. It helps to guide and monitor until the goal is achieved.

When setting goals, make sure it is ;

  • Accessible
  • Attainable
  • Precise
  • Relevant
  • Time bound

Don’t just imagine goals, pen them down as it comes to your mind, give it perfect timing because the more you delay, things might get expensive or the model you have sketched out might fade out again. Ensure the goals can be met, don’t set what you can’t achieve to avoid uncompleted structures.

#2. Broad Research On Project Site

Immediately after setting goals, the next thing is to do wide research on the site, and know the exact location whether it is a rural area or an urban kind. Get solid information online about the site, the building structure, the components, and all, Ask questions from residents around and even survey like twice before anything.

Does the building have good earthing? Is the model in your mind feasible on that site? What is the condition of the site in the rainy season? What are the items to be replaced?

Check through and pen down your observation both the ones you understand and the ones that seem confusing, this moves you to the next line of action.

#3. Partnership with Experts

In the process of planning, check through to find experts to work with on-site. If you want to get the best, you have to work with the best. Share your ideas with them and they know exactly what to do, you can also carry them along to view the site and know the next step forward.

Make calls, invite skilled contractors, literate field men, modelers, and reason together. If you are thinking of the cost of hiring them and because of that you hire unskilled persons, the work will be badly done and you might eventually regret it.

A professional plumber knows where there is a fault and what needs to be replaced, and a contractor can tell when a structure is deficient or the kind of work to be done on each unit.

You may check out WHAT DOES A LAND SURVEYOR DO? Job Description and Requirements

#4. Check out the availability of quality materials to be used.

After inquiries and surveys of the location, ensure the materials are available, don’t make plans, and eventually, get stranded. Make a list of the materials needed and off to shopping. Visit more than one fi compare prices and quality, and take a professional along if necessary.

This should be done like two months before the project starts, after two weeks go back again and see if the price is intact, check if the brand you saw before is still there, and ask to be updated till the day you purchase.

Getting materials ready makes the work faster and perfect.

#5. Budgeting 

Budgeting involves your plan on how money is spent. This stage is always very tacky for people but it’s best because it is like a balance sheet for all your expenses till the last day of the project. When you budget, you know the average amount to be spent and if there will be leftovers.

In planning property renovation, there is a tendency for lavish spending, for example, you want to remodel your bungalow and on getting to the market, you see wonderful materials and now you wish to add a swimming pool to your apartment, you just purchase and at the end you get stuck while building.

Always check your pocket before budgeting, never make money plans on the money you have not seen, after you have gathered your finances, then draw out your money plan and work with it.

For more knowledge of budgeting, You might consider checking out IN HOUSE FINANCING: What You Should Know

#6. Scheduling

This works alongside budgeting as it involves time, here priorities are set in place and work on the important parts of the building first before settling for the minors. It’s best to always write a schedule and follow it appropriately.

In a building that has bad wiring and poor painting, a good schedule should put wiring first before painting because bad wiring can cause hazards in the process of working there.

Also, be time-bound, check the schedule, When should the project start? When will it be completed? How many days will it take them to finish the new ceiling? This will help know the next step to take and know how far you have gone.

If at all you fall behind schedule, don’t jump any step, continue the plan and try to be closer to the scheduled time.

#7. Plan for the unexpected and make alternatives

Anything can happen on-site, don’t always plan exactly how you see it. I.e if you need 120 round pipes make it 130 when shopping because there might be breakage or loss in the course of working, so as not to delay the work, a new piece is picked up, and work continues.

Even when making plans for money and workers, make alternatives, a field man may be absent and you have to get the work rolling, since you have a replacement, you just chip him in and work goes on.

These are the basic things one must do when planning a good renovation project plan.

Note, always share your ideas with professionals, real estate agents, and even potential buyers, you will be surprised how much you can gain from them.

Mortgage for Renovation Properties

A mortgage is a large amount of loan given to an individual to possess a property. It takes a very long time to pay and eventually if it’s not paid, the property is acquired by the lender. It is always signed legally in a court with the awareness of both parties.

Now is there a mortgage for renovation properties? Of course, there is, it is called renovation mortgages or renovation costs. As you continually make use of the property that was renovated for you, a certain amount of money is removed from your expenses monthly till it is entirely paid off. you are hooked with a loan to pay for five to thirty years with conditions.

The mortgage will not be granted if a property is unfavorable for housing or if it needs to be converted or seems beyond repair.

Companies that offer renovation mortgages include;

  • USA Home Loans
  • Fixer-Upper Loans
  • Homestyle Renovation Loans etc.

Property Renovation Checklist

A checklist is like a list of things to be done, the materials required, the time needed, and every necessary detail on a project.

Besides, This list is drafted after you have assessed and affirmed that you are ready to build. Therefore, a property renovation checklist should include from start to finish.

  • Your set down goals
  • Your budget
  • Schedule (Date of starting and assumed date of ending)
  • Your building team or committee
  • Clearance of paperwork

As the work continues, the checklist is ticked according to schedule,as you are done with the first phase, tick it and move on to the next,this helps keep work in order.

What Are The Steps In Renovating A House?

The steps involved In property or house renovation include the following:

  • Access home for the last time before demolition.
  • Demolish the house completely.
  • Start restructuring the new model.
  • Begin wiring, ducting and any plumbing work to be done.
  • Start the roofing and any wooding work in the house.
  • Fix new windows or blinds.
  • Start the wall finishing
  • Lastly, work on the flooring.

After these steps, you can now involve other side works like the pool, bar, or even lounge.

If at all,the house is not pulled down completely, always make sure you still have a checklist and involve professionals to take rightful steps.

Renovation property for Sale UK

There are a lot of renovated properties available in the United Kingdom, some on the island, mainland, and other parts of the country.

Trovit offers a long list of renovated properties such as detached in Shore Road, Ventnor PO38 at the cost of £895,000 and others.

Rightmove Renovation Property

Rightmove properties came into business on May 16, 2000, in the United Kingdom by the top four estate agencies then which includes; Sun Alliance, Connells, Halifax and Royal, and the famous Countrywide. They aimed to get properties, remodel the abandoned, and sell them off to people in need of houses.

Along the line, they chipped in the fukk concept of renovation properties as it was cheaper to invest in and higher in the rate of sales. Over the years, a lot of renovation properties have been sold out by Rightmove, not only are they of high quality also their properties are affordable.

Check here for their newly renovated properties:

List of Renovation Property Real Estate Agents

Top property renovation real estate agents include;

  • Cartos Jonas
  • Countrywide
  • Sun Alliance
  • Curbio
  • Savills United Kingdom
  • Renovation Realty
  • Sterlingwell Homes and properties
  • Adron Homes and Properties
  • Kythera properties

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List Of Property Renovation Works

What are the activities to be done when renovating? Some people just start demolishing without even knowing what work is to be done. To make work easy for you and the contractor, here is a draft of the work to be done in the property renovation.

  • Windows and glass work
  • Roofing 
  • Carpentry
  • Wiring and electricity network
  • Car park 
  • Doors
  • Earthing
  • Insulation
  • Proper ventilation
  • Kitchen and bathroom work
  • Carpentry
  • Veranda
  • Dome
  • Solar panel
  • Temperature regulators (heaters and air conditioners)

However, No property renovation work is little or easy, they are all energy-taking and thus, require external help like machines to enhance work.


Anyone interested in buying a renovated house must be fully aware of the cost of the property, the agency selling off, and of course, have an overview of the property. Renovation Properties come with a lot of advantages, read through and get the best tips for renovations property sales.

I hope this article is helpful

FAQs On How To Buy A  Renovation Property

What is the best selling agency for renovation properties?

  • Countrylife
  • Rightmove
  • Cytherea

Can I renovate a house for 10k?

Renovating a house can cost more than 10k except you buy fake items, but you can remodel a part of the house with that amount and it will still be beautiful.

Can you renovate a house for sale in the winter?

The winter is the best time to do the interior work of the house but the exterior is not safe during the winter. Besides, the workers may freeze or the cold can spoil items to be used when the work is done outside. Hence, You can do the flooring and painting in winter, but not the exterior.



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