How Does Liquid Property Work in 2023?

How Does Liquid Property Work
image source: liquidproperty

Liquid Property is a modest valuation consultant. It’s focused on providing valuations for financial reporting and insurance purposes, mostly for the government. Liquid started its activities in 2003. 

Additionally, the Department of Transport and Infrastructure of South Australia and the Department of Education of Tasmania had major portfolio valuations. They were acquired by Liquid within the first year of operations, paving the way for further development and expertise. 

Also, this company has a 5.0 star rating on Facebook and a 4.0 star rating on

This article promises to tell you how Liquid Property works.

About Liquid Property

Liquid started out as a modest valuation consultant in 2003. Specializing in the supply of values for government clients, primarily for use in financial reporting and insurance. 

Furthermore, the South Australian Department of Transport and Infrastructure and the Tasmanian Department of Education’s significant portfolio valuations were secured by Liquid. They were required within the first year of business, paving the way for further development and competence. 

However, since 2003, Liquid has increased the scope of its offerings to include asset management. Also, it includes land economics, sales, and leasing in addition to property management. 

Additionally, they’ve valued and provided advice on assets totaling more than $200 billion at Liquid’s valuation and property consultancy division. It is still expanding.

With locations in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, and Perth, Liquid is now able to service the entire country. It provides services for major portfolio projects while also having the ability to cater to local, specialized needs.

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How Does Liquid Property Work?

To understand how this company works, we have to check out their list of services and Sectors. All these will be explained in this article.

List of services are:

  • Real Estate
  • Valuation
  • Property Management
  • Property Advisory

Real Estate

At Liquid Property, sharing market knowledge is one of their core values and a competitive advantage. This company creates customized marketing campaigns and sales strategies to offer a distinctive sales experience. 

Below is a list of the Real estate services offered by Liquid 


Due to Liquid’s distinctive approach to marketing real estate, it can easily pinpoint the market of potential buyers for you. They do this by identifying and quantifying the attributes of your property. 


At Liquid, they’re aware that beginning your search for the perfect home may be a difficult and perhaps discouraging process. 

However, Liquid has created information packs. These packs will provide you the instruments to monitor, evaluate, and compare your properties as you travel. 

Furthermore, to use these beneficial services, please contact them by phone or email.


For a large clientele, Liquid offers specialized asset appraisals. Chartered specialists carefully scope, supervise, and analyze each of our appraisals in order to give you, the client, a clear and consistent result. 

Among valuation services are; 

  1. Market Value for use in real estate transactions, estate settlements, family law cases, tax disputes, etc. 
  2. For accounting purposes, fair value 
  3. Insurance Value, which establishes the appropriate level at which to insure your property 


Not every management firm is the same. At Liquid, they take care of more than just collecting rent. They manage your investment to maximize profits while preserving its highest and best usage value. 


The leasing division of Liquid has extensive experience and knowledge linking properties with tenants and potential tenants to properties.


Liquid can identify the renter who is ideal for your property. Whether it is a residential apartment or a commercial office building. 


Liquid is aware of what you need as a renter. Be certain that they can provide for lodging that meets your demands.


Specialists carefully scope, manage, and carry out liquid valuations in order to give you a consistent and clear result. 

Additionally, since its founding in 2003, Liquid Property has evolved to offer services all over the nation. It has assets valued at over $200 billion. 

Also, a variety of needs call for valuations. All of Liquid’s values are carried out in accordance with the regulatory framework. This framework is established by the laws, accounting standards, business policies, and valuation standards. 

Here is a list of popular valuation services.

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Liquid offers fully scoped valuations to help its clients in the public and private sectors. It helps them determine asset values for inclusion in financial statements. 

Furthermore, Australian Accounting Standards, International Valuation Standards, and pertinent Government Policies and Guidelines are taken into consideration while valuing assets. 


The owner of the property would be responsible for paying the insurance company’s costs to restore or replace the asset. This happens In the event of partial or complete destruction, failure to appropriately insure assets for reinstatement.  


Every single company that owns or has owned property will eventually have to deal with tax issues . Tax issues relating to the value of their property.

Settlements and Disputes 

Every company and social interaction is governed by a legal framework. This mandates that certain legal standards be met and that independent advice be sought. 

Property Management

Not every management firm is the same. At Liquid, they take care of more than just collecting rent. 

Also, they manage your investment to maximize returns while preserving its highest and best use value. 

Liquid Property is more than simply a property manager.  They are experts focused on developing and overseeing a successful life cycle for your property. 

Additionally, they do thorough tenant screening, routine property inspections, maintenance evaluations, and give frequent reports. 

Furthermore, these reports outline the performance and condition of your property. In order to lower the financial and physical hazards to your asset.

As professionals they monitor and advise on:

  • Risk management
  • Market/Rental value
  • Value maximization
  • Maintenance
  • Tax depreciation
  • Capital budgeting

Property Advisory

Below are the property advisory services Liquid Property offers:

Asset Management

Asset management is now recognized as a practice that can increase a piece of property’s worth. 

Additionally, managers can reduce the resources and assets needed to maintain their utility and extend an asset’s productive life. 

Furthermore, this thereby increases its income potential or, in the case of the government, meets its social responsibility obligations. It does this by managing an asset’s lifecycle and budgeting for timely maintenance and renewals. 

Condition Assessments 

It is essential to develop asset condition evaluations in order to get accurate value results and sound asset management advice. Liquid uses widely accepted rating systems to assign assets and their constituent parts condition assessments in-order to produce useful assessments.

Additionally, they use an internal quality management system of benchmarking. It guarantees condition evaluations are statistically consistent even when numerous assessors are working on a single project. 

However, this gives clients the confidence they need to make management decisions about their portfolios. 

Analysis of Utility 

Clients aim to maximize the service utility of their asset base as part of the asset management strategy. 

Additionally, Liquid uses a data and information collection method to establish a baseline profile of the client’s service delivery. And the assets that are used to provide these services in order to offer a reasonable and articulated perspective of existing capabilities. 

After that, they compare the portfolio to those of other organizations of a similar size, noting accomplishments, gaps, and underperformance.

Developmental Evaluation 

Liquid has extensive experience performing feasibility analyses for development-related purposes.  

Additionally, developers can choose the type of development that will result in the highest sustainable income. They can do this by using a highest and best-use analysis in conjunction with planning and legal requirements. 

Sectors of Liquid Property

Here is a list of the sectors being covered by Liquid:


A large percentage of Liquid’s substantial valuation initiatives are carried out for the benefit of the government. Through experience, Liquid provides services to all levels of government and is aware of the importance of results in fulfilling regulatory and public expectations. 

Our portfolio valuations have covered a variety of asset classes, and include: 

Criminal Justice Services 

Major state penitentiary and related administrative buildings, as well as the value of a significant plant. 

Crisis Services 

Value assessment of city fire stations, rural fire services, state emergency services, land, buildings, plant, and equipment throughout two States. 


Appraisals of the entire state education asset base, including the land, buildings, machinery, books, works of art, and historical materials.

National Park

The complete State National Park portfolio, which includes all camping, road, trail, and service facilities and is notable. It is notable for including some of Australia’s earliest communities

Some of these sectors will be explained extensively, keep reading.


Liquid has developed into a substantial service provider to the health sector. It has consistently done this over the previous ten years in the areas of valuation, asset management, and strategic research.

Liquid’s projects range across several states and include the following portfolios:

  • Health and Human Services
  • Central Coast Local Health District
  • South Western Sydney Local Health District
  • Western Sydney Local Health District
  • Northern NSW Local Health District
  • Western Sydney Local Health District

Additionally, Liquid also counsels the aged care industry on valuations for insurance and financial reporting.  As well as on bench-marking market inputs for developing competitive pricing research.


Liquid has a substantial history of involvement with the education sector, which includes: 

  • Daycare Facilities 
  • Unaffiliated Schools 
  • Portfolios of government education 
  • TAFE colleges are located on tertiary campuses. 
  • Libraries for education

Justice & Emergency

Liquid, a highly specialized field, has a wealth of experience in offering valuations of distinctive and important assets, primarily to the government of the following big portfolios: 

Police – First, Valuation of State police assets, including stations, holding cells, plant, and craft, for inclusion in financial accounts. 

Courts – Also, Valuation of the State court infrastructure, Local, District, and Supreme Court structures, significant heritage listed assets, law libraries, and antiques. 

Correctional Services – Furthermore, Hard-wired plants in State prisons and remand facilities are valued and subject to life-cycle study. 

Country Fire Services -Additionally, Valuation of Regional Command Centers, Plant, and Equipment, as well as State Fire and Emergency Infrastructure.

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If you want to reach Liquid Property, call: 1300 150 000 or email You can also Visit here.

Finally, A property owner might want to sell their home in order to pay off their debt. 

Additionally, the liquidity of the real estate market can vary based on the property and the market. Although it is not as liquid as the stock market. 

As a result, in order to sell the home quickly, the owner may need to accept a lesser price. A rapid sale won’t always create the full market value anticipated and may have some negative consequences on overall market liquidity.

FAQs on How Does Liquid Property Work

How liquid assets are determined?

Liquid assets can be analyzed by several ratio analysts, commonly known as solvency ratios. 

What makes an asset more liquid?

Several factors must be present for a liquid asset to be considered liquid. It must be in an established market, with a large number of interested buyers. Also, it must have the ability for ownership to be transferred easily.

What’s the opposite of liquid assets?

Illiquidity is the opposite of liquidity.



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