How to Pack Shoes for Moving
How to Pack Shoes for Moving

While moving is an immensely exciting time, there are issues that you’ll need to resolve. This is because packing up your lifetime possessions can be stressful, whether you’re relocating to a new city or just a different neighborhood. Read on to find out how to pack your shoes for moving with without shoe boxes.

All those pairs of shoes you own, not to mention the ones that belong to everyone else in your house, are among the things you’ll need to figure out how to transfer.

Keeping them all intact and preventing damage or loss during the shifting commotion is important.

How to Pack Shoes for Moving

I was able to pack all my shoes into a big cardboard box when I was moving into my new residence. I reasoned that since they are shoes and are made to be somewhat battered, they ought to hold up just fine. Imagine my surprise when I unpacked that box after I had moved and saw my purple suede heels had scratches and my shoes had been ruined.

In my defense, I’ve never really given much thought to shoes. This is a more recent personality trait of mine. I didn’t consider how to transport them or how it would likely be different from my usual “put in a box and go” strategy.

How To Pack Shoes For Moving Without Shoe Boxes

We immediately conclude that throwing away the packaging for everything as soon as we opened it was a poor decision as we make ready to relocate. The majority of your closet might not be affected by this, but your shoes undoubtedly are.

Since shoes may be stored in their original boxes and yet be easily reached, shoe boxes are the ideal size, ideal for protecting shoes from damage in a move, and do not take up extra room.
However, many of us have the practice of throwing away shoeboxes right away for any reason. If that describes you, do not be alarmed! Without shoe boxes, you may pack your shoes for a move and still maintain them in good condition. Keep reading to find out how exactly that works.

How should I prepare my shoes for Moving?

Moving might be rather difficult when wearing shoes. They are large, have a variety of sizes and shapes, and are typically also filthy (pun intended). However, you have to pack your shoes while moving to your new residence because they cannot travel there on their own. It takes a little creativity and effort to pack your shoes for your move, but it’s no more difficult than packing the other items in your wardrobe. By eliminating the guesswork involved in packing shoes, you’ll be able to complete the process quickly and concentrate on other unwanted objects in your house.

#1. Get rid of the clothes you don’t wear.

You probably have a ton of shoes in your closet that you haven’t worn in a long time. Why therefore bother packaging them? Use your move as an occasion to get rid of shoes that will just be tossed out in your new home rather than packing them. You can drop off your gently worn shoes at your neighborhood Goodwill or another charitable organization that might be interested in them, or Soles 4 Souls can assist you to find out where to give them. Additionally, if they’r;e not in excellent shape, make sure to properly recycle them rather than tossing them in the trash.

#2. Insert a pair of socks into each shoe.

Take a rolled-up pair of socks and tuck them down by the toe of your shoes. This will help to keep them from losing their form while you move. You might wish to put an additional pair of socks to the heel as well. The usage of this techniques depends on the form and design of the shoe. This technique serves a dual purpose by getting your socks packed in addition to keeping your shoes from getting damaged in transportation. Have you already packed your socks and are reading this too late? You can also load your shoes with fresh packing paper or plastic wrap.

#3. Box up the nicer pairs individually.

You probably don’t worry too much about your worn-out footwear becoming scratched or broken during the transfer, but your pricey heels and finely-shined loafers are another stories. Protect your favorites by placing them in individual boxes and wrapping them in crumpled packing paper. There is no issue if you neglected to save the shoe boxes. Simple cardboard shoe boxes are available in multipacks, or you can use little plastic containers.

#4. Connect sneakers by their laces.

Keep pairs together by tying the laces of shoes like sneakers, which will most likely just be tossed in a box or other container. This way, if you need a pair of shoes before you’ve finished unpacking, you won’t have to sift through the stack to find them.

#5. Include just a few necessary pairs in their box.

Since you probably won’t need the other pairs right away if you have your go-tos, shoes are frequently not one of the first items to be unpacked. Nevertheless, you should make sure that you have quick access to two or three pairs of necessary shoes that you can quickly grab while unpacking. Since you’ll probably be wearing sneakers during the actual move, save a pair of a slip-on. This is for fast trips to the car, a pair of shoes you can wear with at least a week’s worth of work attire, and a spare pair of shoes in case you decide to take a break for a fancy dinner or another type of outing.

#6. Pack out-of-season shoes separately

Speaking about shoes being the last item to be unpacked, there is no need to waste time doing so when there are so many other things to do. Sort out stuff like winter boots and comfortable slippers if you’re relocating in the summer. You should reserve a separate box for sandals and flip-flops if you are relocating during the winter. If you don’t wind up getting to it during the first few weeks of your relocation (or, hey, if you don’t get to it till the time comes that you require specific types of shoes), don’t panic. Just clearly mark the box.

#7. Use only fresh packing paper.

Newspapers may work well as packing paper alternatives for other objects in your home. They are however ineffective for packing shoes. Newspapers that have been printed, or colored tissue paper can leave stains that are subsequently difficult or impossible to remove. Use only unused packing paper to wrap and secure your shoes for peace of mind. A clean roll of paper towels will also do.

#8. Use tea bags to keep shoes fresh

To allow shoes to shed any leftover scents, let them air out overnight before packing. You can try putting shoes in the freezer to eliminate any bacteria that may be hiding there if they have an overtly foul odor. Put unused tea bags in your shoes to keep them fresh during the actual relocation. Simply tuck them in between the socks you’re using to stuff them.

#9. Pack thick shoes on the bottom 

Put the heaviest and bulkiest shoes on the bottom of any boxes, plastic containers, or even laundry baskets that you use to transport your shoes. This will equalize the weight and make carrying it safer and simpler. Additionally, you run the danger of damaging the more delicate pairs if you stack heavier shoes on top of lighter ones.

#10. Substitute bubble wrap for plastic bags.

Avoid wrapping your shoes in plastic bags since they can easily rip. Use plastic wrap instead, which is much more durable and provides a great deal more protection. In addition to protecting other pairs of shoes from getting dirty, you should use them around any sharp heels and buckles. To avoid mold growth, ensure the shoes are completely dry before wrapping them in plastic.

It’s usually a wise decision to pack your shoes carefully when moving. Do you need any hints for packing more items? For tips on preparing your complete home for a move, visit our section on packing and planning.

Can Shoes be kept in Plastic Bags?

It is acceptable to keep shoes in plastic bags. It’s a great substitute for temporary shoe boxes or pricey plastic storage containers.

The shoes can be kept clean and well-maintained for a good while using plastic bags as vacuums. If it’s a ziplock bag, make sure to close it tightly and keep your shoes out of dust and filth.

In addition, these bags are extremely affordable when compared to other shoe organizers. Additionally, they take up less room when storing shoes. You’ll appreciate that it saves time the most. They are translucent and make it evident where each pair is kept.

In a similar vein, people favor plastic storage more because it is inert. In a closed bag, nothing can get inside to contaminate the shoes.

Therefore, utilize inexpensive plastic bags to preserve the longevity of your shoes if you desire to locate them in the same condition that you stored them.


If your shoes aren’t properly prepared and packed, they may mildew while being moved and stored. Ensure that your leather athletic and work shoes are properly aired and dried before packing them. Use powder in the interiors as an added layer of security. This will help to ensure that all moisture is sucked out of the leather. Protect the finish of your dress shoes. To minimize damage from touch with other shoes, it is advised that you wrap shoes in tissue paper and store them in their original shoe boxes.

This will guard against unintentional damage to ornaments and patent finishes while in transit. You can also hang your shoes on the inside of a closet door if you’d prefer not to wrap and package your shoes in pairs. This creative storage option, when folded with care, can keep your shoes arranged and securely in place throughout your relocation.


How do you pack shoes neatly?

Tie the laces of one shoe to the laces of the other shoe in the pair, or pack each pair of shoes in its own tiny bag or box, to keep them together. If you still have the box the shoes arrived in, you might want to pack your most cherished pairs of shoes in it.

How do you pack 10 pairs of shoes?

Roll up your socks and place them into your shoes. To keep other things safe, put your shoes in a bag. Each pair should be kept in its own bag, heel to toe, and with the soles pointing in different directions. Additionally, attempt to remove some air from the plastic bag before tying it for easy packing.

How many shoes should I pack for a 3 day trip?

Even for a three-day trip, it’s simple to convince yourself that you need a second pair. Avoid giving in to this urge. Bring one pair of shoes you can wear all weekend long instead. Your footwear needs to be both stylish and comfortable enough to be worn out to dinner.

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