If there hasn’t been substantial weather or fire damage to your property, you probably haven’t given demolition much thought. The only alternative left to you in those situations might be to demolish the current house and build a new one. But there is a choice that, in some circumstances, proves to be unexpectedly affordable: house destruction. In a competitive property market, it can be difficult to locate a plot of land with a suitable house already built. The average cost to demolish a house with asbestos and rebuild is shown below.

A house can be torn down for about $18,000. Instead of searching for the ideal house at the ideal cost, it might be less expensive to find a great plot of land for a house in the ideal neighborhood, demolish an outdated house on the property, and build a home to your specifications. This is especially true when taking into account the typical cost of building a house.

The cost of building a new home may be less than remodeling the one you already own for someone who loves their neighborhood but hates their house. Before making any conclusions, you’ll need some facts to determine whether this is something you should take into account in your particular situation. So what is the typical cost to demolish a house with asbestos and rebuild it?

How Much Does It Cost to Demolish a House?

The cost to demolish a house can vary widely depending on the size, accessibility, style of home, and hazardous materials, but in our experience, you should budget anywhere between $12,000 and $40,000. Your projected cost to demolish a house would be closer to $12,000 to $20,000 if it is not constructed of hazardous materials like asbestos, is in an accessible area and is reasonably small.

How Much Does It Cost To Demolish a House and Rebuild

Expect your project to cost about $10,000 for a complete demo and $423,800 to demolish a new 2,600-square-foot home if you decide to tear down an existing house and build a new one. The cost to demolish and rebuild a house varies depending on several variables. The ultimate costs depend significantly on the size of both residences, where they are located, and the materials used. As utilities should already be in place, you pay significantly less to run them to the new house.

How Much Does It Cost to Demolish a House With Asbestos?

The cost to demolish a house with extensive asbestos in the siding, roofing, flooring, or insulation is two to three times greater than for a typical home. This implies a total price range of $10 to $30 per square foot.

Your final expenses may depend on a variety of things. Start with an examination and testing ($500) if you suspect asbestos. Your demolition expenses can be reduced if the asbestos is contained to a limited part of the house and can be safely removed. Additionally, if the asbestos is widespread throughout the house, you could have to pay higher demolition expenses to securely remove it.

How Much Does It Cost to Demolish a House? Cost Factors

There is no getting past the fact that demolishing a house is a labor-intensive process; it doesn’t just require hiring a wrecking ball and letting it swing. A house has to be methodically disassembled and removed from the ground. It is noteworthy that the average cost to demolish a house ranges from $3,000 to $25,000. Several things contribute to the overall cost.

The average cost to demolish a house with asbestos and rebuild may depend on the size and construction of the house. You must also take into account other factors as you create the project’s budget, such as regional permission requirements and unforeseen costs for constructing supplies in the house.

Home Size

The cost of the job will mostly depend on the size of the house you’re demolishing. Larger homes require more time and labor since there are more systems to disassemble and materials to segregate and discard. A 1,200-square-foot house, for instance, will run between $4,800 and $18,000 to demolish, whereas a 3,000-square-foot house will cost between $12,000 and $45,000.

Permits and Inspections

To find out which permits are required for your project, contact your local government. While some governments issue general permits, others demand several permits and inspections for various project components. It’s common for the water, sewer, and gas lines to need to be sealed off before demolition, so you’ll need a qualified plumber to perform it and an inspection to make sure it was done correctly before the demolition can start. It’s crucial to plan because this could impact how quickly the demolition will happen. Other licenses can be required to dispose of materials safely. Each permission costs, on average, between $50 and $100.


Depending on the kind of demolition you select, equipment costs may change. Your budget will need to account for additional machinery expenditures and specialist labor when using mechanical demolition, which also speeds up the labor process. The process of deconstructing an entire house, where all the interior elements are meticulously taken apart to be reused or recycled before the structure is dismantled, will need substantially more manpower than usual but less machinery.

Geographic Location

Is the house located in a busy city? A location where there are greater dump or disposal costs? What is the going rate for labor in your area? You can’t modify the prevalent trends and prices in your area. While there may be some room for negotiation, the cost of demolition in a large East Coast city cannot be compared to that of a small hamlet in the Southwest.

Cleaning and Disposal

A teardown requires the removal of all waste. Cleaning up after demolition can be labor-intensive, depending on how it was done. Dumping fees are determined by regional frameworks, but you must also account for the cost of the dumpsters and the hauling charges. Additional disposal costs could be incurred if your home contains hazardous materials. Cleanup and disposal often cost between $300 and $1,800. In other circumstances, you’ll need to engage a hauling crew individually, which can increase your budget for each waste truckload by $400 to $600.


Location and the balance of supply and demand affect labor costs. Regardless of the type of demolition you choose, labor prices will be high during the busiest construction seasons in places where a building boom is occurring. Off-season deadlines will be less expensive because there is more labor available, but keep in mind that skilled employees are sometimes needed for deconstruction and demolition work, which may increase the overall cost.

Understanding the Demolition Process

It’s a good idea to become familiar with the demolition procedure before you sign the dotted line for demolition. There can be some things you need to take care of yourself, or your supplier might offer to take care of everything for you.

Demolition Permits

Is a permit required to demolish a house?

Before you start tearing down your house, you must have the necessary papers in order. Working with a private certifier, submitting paperwork, and paying a fee are required for this. It’s crucial to account for this step in your building schedule because it could take several weeks. The first important thing to do is to find out if there are any limits on tree removal or demolition due to history.

Services Termination

Here, you and your demolition contractor will need to work closely together. Before beginning the demolition of your house, you often need to turn off your electricity, gas, telephone, and water/sewer services. However, you should first determine whether your supplier requires water for any asbestos cleanup. Your electrical provider may move your service to a temporary builder’s pole if you begin construction immediately following the destruction.


In the weeks before your house is torn down, your local government may mandate that your home be baited for rodents. This will prevent any bugs from moving to your neighbors’ residences.

How to Choose a Demolition Contractor

If not, it’s crucial to hire a demolition business with all the required permits, modern tools, and tried-and-true procedures, and to know where and how they will dispose of or recycle your building waste. Your builder might take care of this for you.

How Long Does it Take to Demolish a House?

The physical act of demolishing your current house typically happens rapidly; in some circumstances, it only requires one day. But you’ll need to budget two months for the entire process, so remember to include that in your building project schedule.

The most exciting step—the construction of your ideal home—can now begin on your property once the demolition has been completed.


When you’re thinking about the typical cost to demolish a house with asbestos and rebuild it, there are several factors to take into account. It can feel like there are too many choices to be made because it is a large undertaking, especially when you factor in the subsequent reconstruction. However, not everyone thinks about considering a demolition, mainly because most people are unaware of the possible cost-effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to demo a house in Louisiana?

Depending on labor, permits, and the intricacy and characteristics of a home, demolishing a full house—inside and out—will cost between $2 and $17 per square foot.

How is house demolition calculated?

A building’s square footage is typically correlated with the cost of destruction. You may get a general estimate of the costs connected with demolition by multiplying the square footage by a sum that falls within the national average for commercial demolition, which is typically set at $4 to $8 per square foot.

Can you demolish a house with a mortgage?

However, there may be a deeper problem here: Most mortgage agreements forbid you from demolishing a mortgaged home because doing so would mean eliminating the only guarantee for that loan. So finding funding could be quite difficult.

How long does it take to build a house?

Traditional construction normally takes 5 to 6 months to complete, including 4 weeks for the concrete slab to be poured. However, a buffer should be included because it is frequently lengthier during the winter, when unanticipated earthworks are required, or when there are shortages of building materials.

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