Gift Deed

Gift Deed
Gift Deed

Many people from all cultures are familiar with the practice of gift-giving. Items are frequently given to others without any expectation of payment or anything else in return, whether at Christmas, for birthdays, or at any other time of the year. While it is usually a happy occasion, the practice can cause problems when ownership of the allegedly gifted property is disputed. To avoid this problem, drafting a gift deed can make all the difference. So, in this post, we will investigate what a gift deed is in Texas and whether gift deed property can be sold.

What is a Gift Deed

A gift deed is a document that records the transfer of property ownership from one party to another when the transferor (or ‘gift-giver’) does not require payment from the recipient. Both parties must sign the deed for the transfer to be legally binding.

Gift deeds can help those who believe they have a claim to the property to understand the gift-intentions. giver’s A gift deed is proof of a transfer. A gift deed also resolves any misunderstandings about who owns the property. This is due to the fact that when the gift deed is executed, an irreversible transfer is made to the recipient. Thus, the purpose of a gift deed is to create a valid and documented record of the gifting of a good or property. A gift deed can also be used to demonstrate the legal transfer of ownership of a good or property from one party to another.

How Does a Gift Deed Work?

The person giving the gift deed property formally drafts, reviews, and executes a gift deed. This person is referred to as the “donor.” The donor’s signature must be witnessed by at least two disinterested individuals and must meet the jurisdiction’s specific legal requirements. The signed gift deed establishes the legal relationship between the donor and the recipient, as well as the legal status of the property, as long as the legal requirements are met.

Does the Property Type in the Gift Deed Matter?

The type of property being gifted may impose additional conditions on a legally recognized transfer by a living donor. Real property (or’realty’) and personal property (or ‘personality’) are important distinctions. Realty includes land and land interests such as fixtures and easements. Personalty, on the other hand, is any other type of property.

Real property

When it comes to real property, it’s important to distinguish between Torrens title land and old system (or “general law”) land. The registered owner of Torrens title land must have the transfer recorded on the Torrens Register. Unless they are from the Northern Territory or Queensland, landholders must also present the relevant certificate of title to their local land titles office for an effective transfer. Concerning old system land, only the deed itself is of concern. A clear indication of intent to sign the document as a deed is required for the deed to be valid. It must also have an appropriate attestation, such as that of a witness to the signing of the deed.

Personal property

The gift deeds may be ineffective in the case of personal property. This is the case if the gift-giver has not done everything necessary to transfer ownership. This means that if the intended recipient requires additional assistance from the gift-giver to complete the transfer, it will be void.

Example of Gift Deed

Mark signs gift deeds transferring 100 of his company shares to Sarah. However, he fails to file an instrument of transfer with the company, which is required to complete the transaction. Mark has not done everything necessary to transfer ownership because only Mark can submit this instrument and Sarah cannot. As a result, Sarah is not the legally recognized owner of the shares.

Using Trusts to Transfer Property

The establishment of a trust is an alternative method for gifting property. When one party (the ‘trustee’) holds property for the benefit of another the ‘beneficiary,’ a trust is formed.

Trusts have a number of benefits and drawbacks. Businesses and individuals, for example, can benefit from them in terms of taxation. Establishing and maintaining trust, on the other hand, can be a difficult process. Such factors must be considered when determining whether a trust is appropriate for your specific circumstances.

Gift Deed Property Can Be Sold

Yes, if it is a registered gift deed in the name of the receiver, a gifted property can be sold. This is due to the fact that a gift deed is just as valuable as a sale deed. The term “gift” is defined in Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act as the voluntary transfer of certain existing moveable and immovable property from a donor to a donee.

The following are the essential components of a gift. A valid gift must have the following five characteristics:

  • Ownership transfer
  • Existing property
  • Transfer without consideration
  • Voluntary transfer with free consent
  • Acceptance of the gift

Because ownership is transferred by gift, the receiver becomes the owner and can sell the property gifted to him by gift deeds.

Texas Gift Deed

A Texas Gift Deed is the legal document required to transfer real estate to another person. Texas real estate can be given to anyone or any entity, including a church or charity.

Gift Deeds

Gift Deeds are used to transfer property ownership without receiving anything in return for the transfer. It’s just a gift. In Texas, all real estate transfers are either in exchange for something, such as money or services, or for nothing, which is a Gift Deed.

Using this deed to transfer real estate property is similar to using any other deed, except that no money or services are exchanged. The property is completely free.

Can a Gift be Revoked?

Gift Deeds, unlike a Transfer on Death Deed or a Will, transfer ownership of a house and/or land while the property owner is still alive. Keeping this in mind, gift deeds cannot be revoked once it has been signed in front of a notary and filed with the county clerk’s office in the county where the property is located.

Income Tax on Texas Gift Deed

Gift deeds must be reported on income tax returns (ITR). The Gift Tax Act of 1958 was repealed in 1998, only to be reinstated in 2004. As a result, if you receive an immovable property as gift deeds, you must pay tax if the stamp duty value exceeds Rs 50,000 and the property is received without necessary consideration. For instance, if the consideration is Rs 1.5 lakhs and the stamp duty is Rs 4 lakhs, the difference exceeds Rs 50,000.

General Warranty Gift Deed In Texas

A gift deed can be either a general warranty deed or a special warranty deed that states the property is a gift. These deeds must be in writing and signed in front of a notary by the person giving the property.

The deed must be filed with the county clerk for the county in which the property is located once it has been properly prepared and signed. A filing fee of $30 to $40 will be charged by the county.

Ownership of the property passes to the new owner once the gift deed is signed, notarized, and filed. The transfer is just like any other deed.

Real Estate Gifting

Real estate gifts between spouses or family members are fairly common. A gift deed can be used by property owners to give property to their spouse or to add a spouse to the title of their home. The property is not paid for by the spouse. The transfer is a present.

Owners of real estate may also use this deed to transfer property to one or more of their children. In order to gift a house or other real estate to a family member, the current owner of the property must sign Gift Deeds.

Texas Gift Deed Requirements

The requirements for a Texas Gift Deed are similar to those for most deeds.

  • The Gift Deeds must be written.
  • It must include the current owner’s full name as well as the new owner’s full name, mailing address, and vesting.
  • The property must be accurately described.

Keep in mind that the county clerk and the county tax office will change the property’s ownership in the deed and tax records. The new owner is liable for the property’s taxes. In addition, the new owner should update the property’s insurance.

 Benefits and Drawbacks of Gift Deeds

Before drafting a gift deed, consider the various benefits and drawbacks of using this type of legal document. Some of the benefits of gift deeds act are as follows:

  • It is carried out immediately.
  • Because gift deeds must be registered, it is less likely to be challenged in court.
  • Gift deeds transfers are generally tax-free for both the donor and the donee.

There are some disadvantages to using gift deeds as well:

  • It is irrevocable after execution, which may cause complications if problems arise between the donor and donee in the future.
  • There are additional costs in the form of stamp duty, which varies by state.

What Is the Distinction Between a Gift Deed and a Property Sale?

You are the owner of a property once it has been transferred to you as a gift. The gifted property can be sold. A gift deed, on the other hand, is not the same as a property sale. A property sale entails the payment of money in exchange for the transfer of property. Gift deeds are given voluntarily and without monetary compensation. As a result, once you’ve properly registered the gift deeds and become the property owner, you can sell the gifted property for a profit.

Many legal implications, such as tax considerations, may arise when drafting gift deeds for an immovable property.


Property can be legally recognized as a gift in two ways. A gift deed is a less complicated method. However, depending on your personal circumstances, establishing trust is another method that can be quite beneficial. A property lawyer or trust lawyer may be able to provide more information on either method.

Frequently Asked Questions

What information should be in a Gift Deed?

In your Gift Deed, include the following information:

  • Whether or not the Gift Deed can be revoked
  • Gift type: monetary or non-monetary
  • Information about the recipient (donee), such as whether they are an individual or a charity.
  • Information on donors
  • Details about the agent

Is a gift deed a legal document?

Yes. A registered gift deed is a legally binding document.

What are the different types of Gift Deeds?

Gift deeds are classified into two types: revocable gift deeds and irrevocable gift deeds. With LawDepot’s Gift Deed, donors can say whether the deed is revocable or irrevocable, which means whether it can be changed before the gift is given.

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