Private Placement Insurance Reviews 2023| Is it worth it?

private placement life insurance policy
image source: pixabay

Private placement insurance helps produce strong companies, promotes innovation, and spurs job growth.

The Private placement life insurance is basically a niche solution for wealthy individuals in high tax brackets with a few million dollars to invest.

If you have been hearing about private placement insurance and wondering what it is all about, here is a review.

In addition, you would also have access to information like why you need private placement insurance and who exactly it is for.

Let’s get started.

What is Private Placement Insurance?

According to Investopedia, private placement insurance is the sale of stock or bonds to pre-selected investors and institutions rather than to the general public.

For a company seeking to raise capital for expansion, it is an alternative to an initial public offering (IPO).

Wealthy individual investors, banks and other financial institutions, mutual funds, insurance companies, and pension funds are among those invited to participate in private placement programs.

It is through these programs that private placement insurance works to protect you

Who needs Private Placement Insurance?

Private placement insurance is not suitable for everyone.

To be great for this insurance, you must have a million-dollar annual income, a net worth of $20 million or more. Or be someone who owns a business that puts you in that category.

This insurance provides numerous tax advantages, which can be important considerations for those in the highest tax bracket.

Note that the standard life insurance policies available from local agents do not include hedge funds, funds of funds, and other alternative investments that wealthy investors require for diversification and investment needs.

Privately placed life insurance is different.

Wealthy families, family foundations, trusts, corporations, and banks collaborate with hedge funds and money management firms to design their own private placement insurance contracts in order to reduce their tax liabilities.

The concept is to combine the financial benefits of highly taxed hedge funds and similar investments with the tax benefits of life insurance.

When a wealthy investor in a high tax bracket wants to invest in hedge funds, it is important to set up a privately placed life insurance policy to protect the individual from taxation.

What do you need to Qualify for Private Placement Insurance?

While private placement insurance can be purchased by anyone, they are unregistered securities product. As a result, they can only be presented to accredited investors by agents.

According to SEC, accredited investors, are those with a net worth of at least $1 million (excluding primary residence) or income of at least $200,000 in each of the previous two years.

Married couples must have earned at least $300,000 in the previous two years.

In the end, the owner is usually an individual or a trust.

Holding the policy in an irrevocable trust allows the insured to keep the policy out of their taxable estate, potentially reducing future estate tax liability, though they give up rights to the cash value prior to death.

In reality, the average PPLI candidate or family possesses:

  • A large net worth
  • The ability to fund at least $1 million in annual premiums for several years- $3 million to $5 million is typical
  • A desire for exposure to hedge funds or alternative investments
  • Investments that are extremely tax-inefficient
  • In addition to federal income taxes, states and municipalities levy high income taxes (advisors should be alert to the effect of any state premium taxes on the strategy)
  • A desire to keep assets safe from creditors

Where to Buy Private Placement Insurance

Professional wealth managers frequently recommend vendors such as:

BlackRock, Wells Fargo Private Banking, John Hancock, Zurich, Crown Global, and Pacific Life are among the most prominent providers of private placement insurance services and insurance-dedicated funds (IDFs).

Why should you consider getting Private Placement Insurance?

Privately placed life insurance is typically structured as a variable universal life insurance policy, which means that premiums can be adjusted as needed. Policyholders are free to pay as much or as little premium as they want, whenever they want.

Each month or year, the cost of insurance is deducted from the cash value in the policy sub-accounts. To keep the policy active, the owner must pay enough premium to keep the cash value high enough to cover the cost of insurance. The policy will lapse if the cash value reaches zero.

The policy is typically structured by the agent who sets it up to maximize cash value accumulation while keeping the death benefit (and thus the cost of insurance) relatively low. Working with their insurance professional, the policy owner then pays as much premium into the policy as possible each year.

The client benefits from the life insurance contract’s significant tax advantages:

  • Heirs receive tax-free death benefits.
  • Cash value growth that is tax-deferred
  • Dividend growth that is tax-free (if applicable)

In the meantime, the insured retains access to accumulated cash values, which can be used for any purpose and accessed at any age.

There are no penalties for withdrawing the cash value prior to reaching the age of 59 1/2, as there are with annuities and individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

Furthermore, unlike annuities, IRAs, and retirement accounts, there are no required minimum distributions.

What is the Assessment of Funds like in Private Placement Insurance?

Yes. This is one of the major advantages of having a private placement insurance. Policyholders can withdraw or borrow against their cash value at any time and for any reason.


As for withdrawals, withdrawals are tax-free up to the policy’s maximum. So owners can recoup their premiums, minus fees, without incurring tax consequences — as long as the performance of their subaccounts has kept pace with the cost of insurance.

If the cash value exceeds the owner’s basis in the policy — that is, what they paid in — then any additional withdrawals in excess of the basis are taxed as a gain.

Loans made under policy

You can borrow against the policy’s cash value with no underwriting or credit check. The cash value of the policy serves as collateral for the loan. As a result, the policy is a good choice for emergency funds.

The loan is not required to be repaid, but the policy owner may wish to replenish funds borrowed from the policy in order to maximize long-term tax-free growth.

Interest rates

Interest rates are frequently very low because the loans are secured by payments already made to the insurer. Borrowers should be aware that interest does accrue and that borrowing reduces any death benefits paid out unless the loan is repaid to the policy.

Contribution caps and altered endowment contracts

To help ensure that private placement insurance is used for its intended purpose rather than as a tax shelter, the government limits how much premium the owner can contribute to the policy in a given year.

The “seven-pay” test is the result of the contribution limit. If policyholders contribute enough premium to their policies that the policy is paid up in less than seven years, the policy is classified as a modified endowment contract (MEC).

As a result, the policy will be ineligible for many tax breaks on withdrawals and loans:

  • When you withdraw cash value from an in-force life insurance policy, you get the benefit of first-in, first-out (FIFO) taxation. This allows you to withdraw as much as you want, up to your policy’s basis (the amount you contributed), tax-free. This benefit is lost if your policy becomes a MEC. Instead, the IRS will consider you to be withdrawing interest before your basis. This is taxable interest.
  • Similarly, while the law allows you to take tax-free loans from a life insurance policy, those loans become taxable as income once your policy becomes a MEC.
  • Furthermore, once your policy becomes a MEC, any withdrawals made before the age of 59 1/2 are subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty, just like a qualified annuity or 401(k) (k).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is getting a private placement insurance worth it?

Absolutely. If you have the means and what it takes, a private placement insurance would totally suit you.

What is the major advantage of private placement insurance?

It allows a company to sell shares of company stock privately to a select group of investors rather than to the general public. Private placement has advantages over other equity financing methods, such as fewer regulatory requirements, lower costs and time, and the ability to remain a private company.

What is the benefits for private placements insurance in a company?

For a company seeking to raise capital for expansion, it is an alternative to an initial public offering (IPO).

Is private equity the same as private placement?

Although the terms “private equity” and “private placement” are distinct, they are alike in investment activities. By distributing its products through private channels, a company is essentially reaching out to private investors, who will eventually become private-equity holders after injecting cash into the business.


Private placement insurance products are one-of-a-kind investments that have gained a lot of attention in the affluent market over the last decade. In the 1990s, an offshore market for individual private placement products emerged.

However, the market eventually shifted to the United States, and applicable IRS regulations followed.

If you have gone through this article, and you think you have what it takes, flowing from its good reputation and range of services the insurance offers, you can visit them here to get a quote today.



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